Design & Prototype development of 2.2 kW Axial Flux PCB Stator Motor

  • Salim Ramachandran VP Special Projects – Motor, ELGi Equipments Limited, Coimbatore-641005, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Mohan Kumar Engineer – Motor Development, ELGi Equipments Limited, Coimbatore-641005, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: PCB, FR4, PCB Stator, AFPM, AFPMSM, Axial Flux, Dual Rotor AFPM, Power density


This paper presents the design and prototype development of 2.2 kW Axial flux PCB stator motor, compared to the conventional permanent magnet type of electric motors. This construction eliminates the iron core, as a result there is a reduction of weight, cogging torque, noise and increase in efficiency. Analytical design was done, and prototype is developed with 8-layer PCB board with 6 Oz of cu is used to build the required power.


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How to Cite
Ramachandran, S., & Kumar , M. (2024). Design & Prototype development of 2.2 kW Axial Flux PCB Stator Motor. International Journal of Computer Communication and Informatics, 6(1), 16-26.

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