An Inventive Method to Fabric Part Structural Defect Detection Using Frame Harmonizing

  • Dhivya M Department of Computer Science, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
  • Suganthi D Department of Computer Science, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Keywords: Fabric fault, Defect detection, Classification, Edge detection


Using a frame harmonizing based approach, this paper examines paper defects. In the textiles industry, the quick cutting and sewing of fabric has resulted in a lot of small mistakes, making this task extremely difficult. Especially these deformities won't be quickly recognized by specialists as well as programming. A novel frame harmonizing method is used in our system to find flaws in the fabric production process. Transformation and filtering techniques are used for the inputted fabric image frame. The conventional outline extraction method Berkeley edge detector is used to extract the edge map. Contour-based features are extracted and classified by K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classifier. The experimentation with real-time data set produced the outstanding performance results when compared with state of the art methods.


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How to Cite
M, D., & D, S. (2022). An Inventive Method to Fabric Part Structural Defect Detection Using Frame Harmonizing. International Journal of Computer Communication and Informatics, 4(2), 26-40.

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